
Tool Description Download
Converter Tool

This tool is designed to take the report file produced from the Flexipharm, UBIK, Assyst Rx-A or WinRx dispensing systems and convert them to a format that can be imported in the iApotheca Platform.

We have designed the tool to work for both 64bit and 32bit versions of Windows.

* With Flexipharm, UBIK and Assyst Rx-A there is no setup however if you use WinRx please contact our support team for assistance with the configuration.

WinRx Converter V1

This tool is designed to re-format the WinRx dispensing rxlisting report and convert them to a format that can be imported in the iApotheca Platform.

We have designed the tool to work for both 64bit and 32bit versions of Windows.

PharmaClik Rx Extraction Tool

In order to add dispensing data to the Narcotics Reconciliation Module you are required to download a CSV file from the 'iApotheca Narcotic Reconciliation Data Extraction Tool.'

If you are using PharmaClik Rx please contact our support team to have this tool enabled for you.

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Imperial Reader

This tools allows you to convert Imperial Purchase records to files that are compatible with the iApotheca Narcotics Reconciliation Tool.

This will work for you if your Imperial Report is in the xlsx format and has the headings:

Manufacturer Type Doc No Date Item # Description Class DIN UPC QTY Unit Price Extended Price
VBM Reader

For VBM users, this tool will parse a Medication Production report exported in CSV format, and will create a Central Sales file, which shows all the inventory leaving the central location, and a purchase file for each store in the report showing what they purchase from the central store.

This will work for files with these headings:

Customer Location Institution PillID Medication Prescribed DispensedType Dispensed